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OCR: CLIENT/SERVER TESTING TOOLS IN DEMAND Expect revenue from sales of GUI-based and other client/server testing tools to grow dramatically - at a compound annual rate of 71% - through 1999, says IDC. In contrast, the compound annual growth rate for revenue from mainframe based testing tools is expected to be only around 3%. Diving the surge in the client/server test tools market is the increasing number of client/server applications called upon to handle mission-critical functions Loud testing tools, which simulate real-life conditions in a production environment, figure prominently in such scenarios. WORLDWIDE SOFTWARE TESTING TOOL MARKET, REVENUE IN SMILLIONS 5516 5363 5339 $19 549 1994 199 1996 1997 1990 1999 GUI and client/server testing tools Other testing tools SOURCE: INTERNATIONAL DATA CORP ., 1995